Discover TUTODYS

Tutodys is a platform dedicated to the support of basic skills development for children with DYS from 6 to 12 years old.

It proposes specific levels of exercises related to the academic program of the learners, for kids in primary school, regarding reading, writing, speaking, STEM and general knowledge.

Tutodys Event

Discover tools to develop the skills of DYS pupils aged 6 to 12.
3 July 2023 in Paris


The objective of this project is to offer a platform dedicated to the support of basic skills development for children with DYS from 6 to 12 years old as well as a pre-testing tool that will support the early detection.

A LMS Platform for pupils from 6 to 12

-> More than 2,000 adapted exercices in math, sciences, general knowledge and reading / writing.

-> A set of digital tools that enable parents, specialists or teachers to communicate and exchange about the learner’s improvement, needs and support.

You are a teacher? A parent? Or a professional?

Freely register and discover Tutodys LMS Platform!

Pre-testing questionnaires for parents, teachers and pupils

Each questionnaire is designed to assess whether the Tutodys tools can help you and whether it is advisable to talk to a professional. Please note that these questionnaires do not replace the advice of a specialist.

Self-evaluation for parents

Self-evaluation for teachers

Self-evaluation for 6+ year old pupil

Self-evaluation for 8+ year old pupil

Self-evaluation for 10+ year old pupil


Tutodys User guide

User Guide for parents, tutors and specialists

We have created this user guide to make it easier for you to use the TutoDys platform. This guide will provide you with all the technical and practical information you need to use the platform in a learning context.

Tutodys User guide

Pupils Guide

This guide will explain how to use the Tutodys platform. It will explain what are the different subjects and exercises you can have on the platform, how to access them and how to do them!

Tutodys User guide

Creator Guide

You are a regular user of the plateform, and you would like to create your own exercices? This guide will help you to enrich the exercices database, and create your own private or public exercices dediacted to your pupils.

Teachers, tutors or specialists?
Would you like to be involved and test our resources?


Les Apprimeurs


Don’t hesitate to contact us!
You would like to receive more information or to become a partner of the project, please fill in the form below.
We will answer you as soon as possible ❤️

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